dc.description.abstract |
he U:V Declaration on the Elimi11arion of Viole/Jee agoinet Women (1993i states tha: "violence ilf!Olm1
won1en is it manifastation of hist.oric::oll;: unequal [J1>Y;e1· rc.~l<1lio11s between men and 10.'onu?n, which hare
Jed to dominauon over and discriminution 1Jg(1fnst women by men and to the prevention '~/· the ./Ull
fld\'f/1C1:mem of women, ond that violence against wo111e11 is one of the crucial social m«d1m1i.vms by
~•:Jrich women are forced into asubordinate 110.,ition compared u:ilh 111e11. ''
Violence agains! \\-'ou1en and girts is th« n1ost c<n11u1011 hut lt:ost pnnished cnme in the \t.'OJ'l<1. ft is uiso the
most socially talerated of human ri~hi.-..· violations, and ii occur~ ifi e·vt~rJ' region, country and cultur«.
,'\uch vialence sransccnds income, class, race and ethnlcit, ... F'urrlser1nore, if ilnpt?de~~ dcvalopment and
JJfevents 1.i:.(.nnen and girls.li-t)1n c1~jO}'ing their human r~gh1.1.· an<(f11ndcunen1aljreedo111.t
rts u~e are clearly known even if Ethiopia rcrt!fieci almost all internc11ionr1l con11e1:tiun.1. 011 ,.·otn(.u '.~ righl
there is a pmhlem 11iil in the implementatio11 of the law 111 the proctice 1f legal mstluitions for the
protection f~.r violence l1f{a;,1Sf 11·011.1.e11 so <IS 10 secure equality and women's human ri~hr protection c1ll
oyer the country in p,enerai.
11u! .. Study focuses: on she ge11erc1l o!~jectii'e on this area to invesr:igate challc.~NJ/<!S and oppfu·tunilies of lh<!
practice ofihe /ego/ insiilulio11s in t>ro1ec1ing l:iolfnl!e against. \¥01nen in Bahir dar t<>Y..11,
The approach used J"'f.u· 1/lis study is qualitative research method Nfdch is suitable .. f'or the issue of violence
agains: M·011lL'n in the pructice l~/ Jeg(1l institutions.
To illl. the ol:i<Jctfre o{ the .<111dy bott: primary and secondary data coltecuon methods were used. The
primary data 1vere g<11}1er1•tl lhroujr,'s in· depth interview -..11i1h victims <~l.GBJl, key i1~f01·mants g~11era1i1ig
from various gruip., such (IS poltc«. t)rosec:zftors, j11dge.~. women, child and J'0111J1 ojfoir and other
concerned activist» ~1:/u; 1vo·rk in women'« right in g-!~nt!rof and <.1Bl' in particular through interview,
observauou of women 's violence cases in the courl liti.ttufions, fJOlice ant.I prosect1ti1>n o.:ffice, /(~~al
1lfU.'ll1n(!1·11 like t1roclt~11uJti(Jn, reguJ,uion 1vere used The secondary data H·e1·e gc1th<~red through, decisions
f~[ courts, re-.}ie'.·l' Q.{ related conceptual and ciocurue11trrr.v analysis where t}H~ existing. litarature as v .. -el! (t.s
policies <11 1ntc?rnafif)Jlal. regiou<1l cnul 1u·1ti<>naf level l"'er(> identffied t1nd a11a/;;zecl.
It wa.sjoumt thal !her" are diffen/ll i.vpes o/0HV practiced in rhe 1own n:ese µre mf!e, a/tempted rape,
gra1.:e (Jna' conu11011 i·lil(firl il~/uritts. H1'J'. intinzidi'rti9n, sexu,11 J1ara.~·s1ru.'11t, \o,.'tuue-11 <uui girl 1rc.ifficking.
l(lbOr e.'\'f)(OilaliOn, (/01J1,!YliC vfo/enCf'. etc.
1 he study flCJS found th<ll r<1pe, a1ie111pted rape and bodily iniwY were rite most .fi·equenled <'rimes. Bw
1·,?gardi11P, raJ''~ cc1sc lhit. (~vh.1<.?Jl</L~ c}u1llenge tl:e !111v e1~force1Ju!nl bodies hecaMSl' rt.tpec1 vic1i1ns go lo
hospiwl.1 wairi11g many days C!/ier being raped which is 1fu, main c:ar1sc of 1101 obtuining 1he e,wmtial
- .... " .
n1eclical e:rr.unination a~ t.1 result of'H:liich most crb11il1a! fJrOCi~edin'{S are <:lo:fied rlue to lack of evitleJJC(!.
Furth1.:r1nore, the 1hesis.finm(i el'i<it~!ICI! 1J1at !ht~ d{ffic1.tl1.i,,· in l"'t)tec·ting \t..'orneu 's J1u1nan rlghts in gL~neral
a11d victirns of· f iJJT1~ i11 1u1rticular ond brhzx pe11Jetru.tor.~ ~f,Jr 1>rost•cution are laid Oil lhe 1-t'~t.1kn(?'i.'i t.!l lul",.
cn./i>rccnu1nt bot.lies: in atltliJion to tJ:;s courts r{?rJder lighi sc.~tttence \\•hicls is no111n{fonu al al/ le1:eJ,y.
Finally. th<< .m1dy reco111tnends tl1e 11eed for the a111end1ri"1// I){ t/ie FDRE criminal 1!ode /() ill<'orporate
donut.~fic viole1rl·1,,;....J.~vrehensil'e (tnfl clear(v dt~lhied nuuiner. In tJt/dition tQ th.is .-:ri1nes relate1,I to
l-'iolence ogt1ins1 u··on1e11 slzoultl hui·e <I ·''lJec.i<il f)roc<~dure like corru;,1tfr>n , 1'raJr:ing also given 10 tlu: la'iP
enjOrc:1~tnenl bodies atuf the co1u:ernt~d bociie..~ l':Jlo ~11ork lu 1"'0111en 's right in ;!,eneral anll v.folence a~ain,\'1
n>onu.•11 iu 11arric11lar so <.i.~ to seCUJ'(~ and protection of 1vo1nen 's inu·nan ri:-;J,t |
en_US |