Though forests cover about 30 percent of the global land area, the total area continues to decline and annual forest lost is estimated to be 13 million ha globally. In Ethiopia estimate shows that 40,000 ha/year were deforested from 1990 to 2010. Deforestation is a major problem in Amhara National Regional State, because trees and forests have been cleared for agriculture, pastures and settlements. Even though Ethiopia’s church forests have been described as remnants of the pre-agricultural landscape, now a days they have been influenced and being degraded by human activities including farming, illegal forest exploitations.. However, church forests are under increased degradation as a consequence of free grazing, indigenous tree replacement and continuous encroachment of illegal wood loggers. Hence, in order to reduce church forest degradation for the sustainable use, there is a need to enhance collective action which involves the community as the central part of the processes. Thus the study analyze the determinants of stakeholders’ intensity of participation on CA for CFM in South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia. Multi-stage random sampling procedure was used to select 300 sample respondents. Semi-structured interview schedule and participatory rural appraisal methods such as focus group discussion and key informant interview were used to collect necessary data. The results were presented using descriptive statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Fractional response probit model was employed to estimate the effects of hypothesized explanatory variables on households’ intensity of participation on collective action for CFM. The model result indicated that religion, educational status, TLU, landholding size near church forest, market distance, forest distance from home, prior organizational experience, training utilization on CFM, perception of life dependency on indirect forest services, perception of existence of forest policy, perception on scarcity of forest resource, having convergent interest on forest’s existence value, and trust and cooperation had positive and significant effect on households’ intensity of participation on CFM; whereas, scarcity of forest resources had negative and significant effect on households’ intensity of participation on CFM.. Therefore, in order to bring about change on existing trends of church forest management, there is a need to create awareness on the existing forest management problems and discussion with the community how to conserve the church forest. Strengthening trust and cooperation with in the community and providing training regarding to CFM should be done to enhance households’ participation on CA for CFM.
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