dc.description.abstract |
Food security is one of the critical issues that need to be addressed in developing countries like Ethiopia. Besides, national food security does not guarantee for insuring the household food security. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze food insecurity and coping strategies of rural households in Hulet Eju Enesie Woreda. Mixed research design was employed on this study. Primary data from a sample of 202 rural households were collected using food consumption frequency, household food insecurity access scale and the copping strategy modules developed by the World Food Program during data collection customized in the context of Ethiopia. Based on the analyses of food consumption score and food insecurity access scale, the study identified 15.35, 75.25 and 9.41% of the respondents were in poor, borderline and an acceptable level of food consumption respectively. Likewise, this study resulted 27.72% food secure and 26.73, 36.14 and 9.41% of the respondents were mildly, moderately and severely food insecure, respectively. The ordered probit regression model was applied to identify the determinants of household food insecurity status in the study area. The results of this econometric model analysis indicate that family size and credit utilization are significantly and positively related, while head sex, land size, livestock ownership, and annual income are significantly and negatively related to food insecurity level of rural households. In addition, eating less expensive foods, decreasing portion sizes at meal times, and reducing the number of meals per day were identified as the major coping strategies of households for food insecurity in Hulet Eju Enesie Woreda. Finally, this study suggests that unless the government and other relevant stakeholders devise strategic interventions focusing on improving food security at the household level, the food insecurity of rural households is expected to be further aggravated in the woreda that at least the severely food insecure ones may be forced to adopt the livelihood deteriorating measures as their coping strategies.
Key Words: Diet Diversity, Food Consumption Score, Food Insecurity Level, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale, Ordered Probit, and Copping Strategy |
en_US |