This study was conducted to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on menstruation cycle at Legegora general secondary and preparatory school. Adolescent female students face different problems in relating to menstruation problems which led them physically inactive. Quasi-experimental research design was used as a research design so as to achieve the purpose of the study. Data were collected via menstruation assessment questionnaire and Aerobic training and numerical rating scale (NRS) from research participants. Among 445 target population, 64 female students were selected by purposive sampling technique. The major finding of this study shown that, aerobic exercise affects duration of menarche and the flow of menstruation; all physical symptom of menstruation severity was lowered after the aerobic exercise was given to treatment group; Aerobic exercises also have positive effect in the reduction of concentration severity; Behavioral symptoms of menstruation have more severity level shown in students that far from aerobic exercise; and the reasons that hinder students from physical education practical class was less redyness of the students and psychological worry but not the negative impact on pain and individual health. The researcher recommends that students better to use physical exercises as a non-pharmacological approach to the management of their menstrual symptoms.