The most common method of financing government expenditure is by
taking resort to taxation. In
order to generate appropriate revenue from TOT, the administration should be effective. The
researcher set the general and specific objectives of the study and the major research questions
related to turnover tax collection.
From the related literature the researcher considers
independent variables which explain the dependent variable of TOT effectiveness. Having those
variables the research hypothesis formulated based on the given number of in
variables that were
ted after the required data were gathered
. In order to address the
research questions and achieve the objectives, explanatory research method
and census
sampling method were
employed to gather data. Respondents wh
o participated in the study were
tax admini
trators from all woredas found
in west
. Quantitative research approac
h was
used. The Primary data which were
collected through questioner were analyzed
by using
structural equation model and most secondary data used to dev
elop related literature an
d used
to establish
the hypothesis. The dependent variable is measured by the effectiveness
collection on average result
two years period. The independent variables are measure based
on the five scale
type question. After collecting data from tax officials the researcher
reaches a conclusion by analyzing
data in Amos soft ware
. Tax payers’ ignorance of their
obligation, corruption and collusion, tax audit and verification and convenience of payment wer
the major determinants of effectiveness in turnover tax collection. The researcher recommend to
tax office after drawing conclusion.