Food handling practice and Factors Associated with food handling Practice among food handlers in food and drinking establishments in Bahir dar city, 2015,North West Ethiopia.

Show simple item record Getaneh, Bayleyegn 2018-01-17T03:28:06Z 2018-01-17T03:28:06Z 2018-01-17
dc.description.abstract Introduction: - Food is one of the essential needs for survival and well being of human being. As food is essential for our life, it is also dangerous and cause diseases if not processed and maintained in sanitary and safe conditions. In Africa poverty is the underlying cause of consumption of unsafe food. It is also common in Ethiopia because of the prevailing poor food handling and sanitation practices. Objective: - the objective of this study is to assess Food handling practice & Factors Associated with food handling Practice among food handlers. Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study design was used to conduct this study. In Bahir Dar there are nine urban sub cities and a total of 1961 food handlers. The number of food handlers for sub-cities was allocated using proportional allocation to size method. To identify the 421 study subject a survey was conducted to get their list and simple random sampling technique was used based on the developed sampling frame. r Result: The median age of food handlers was 23 ranging from 16 years to 70 Years. Majority (89.6%) of food handlers were Females. From 393 respondents 263(66.9%) r have good food handling practice whereas the rest 130(33.1 %) have bad practice. The logistic regression result show that sex (AOR=3.888, 95% Cl 1.365-11.071),educational status (AOR=4.416, 95% Cl 1.254-15.557), Income status(AOR=3.285, 95% Cl 1.627- 6.630), working hours per day (AOR=2.334, 95% Cl 1.137-4.790),knowledge status of food handlers (AOR=3.097, 95% Cl 1.057-9.074),attitude (AOR=1.799, 95% Cl 1.059- 3.057),and regular inspection of food handlers (AOR=4.226, 95% Cl 2.481-7.196) were found to be association with good food handling practice. Conclusion and Recommendation: In view of the findings of this study, some socio­ Demographic characteristics found to a factor for food handling Practice in addition even though the attitude and practice of food handlers was a little bit satisfactory, the food handlers have lack of food safety knowledge, especially on some of the hygiene aspects need to be emphasized and There are certain standards and norms set by WHO that should be followed by any food service establishments, but these are often not maintained so that Establishment should maintained practiced this standard. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject public Health en_US
dc.title Food handling practice and Factors Associated with food handling Practice among food handlers in food and drinking establishments in Bahir dar city, 2015,North West Ethiopia. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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