World War second became very important turning point for globalization of human rights
that bring the international human rights law regime, encompassing economic rights of
women and other rights. Furthermore world conferences on human rights re- affirmed human
rights of women are inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. In
addition promotion and protection of human rights of women through full implementation of
internationally recognized rights of women is among the basic concerns of the Beijing
Declaration and Platform for Action, despite these basements women are still in low
economic status: suffer from work stereotype. engagement in economically invisible works.
problem on access to credit, to resources, services. productive assets. concentration in unpaid
works and other economic rights implementation problems .
Implementation or economic rights of women is among the catalytic approaches for the
realization of gender equality and implementation of other rights of women. But for its
implementation. there need to have institutional mechamsm that facilitate and work for these
rights in addition to recognition of rights under different instruments. But still their existence
is not sufficient they need to be structured and function in effective way to solve the deep
rooted and complicated problems of women. Amhara region as one region in Ethiopia <lo
have laws and institutionaJ mechanisms for the protection of economic rights of women.
1 Accordingly this research assesses the institutional mechanisms in Amhara region with the
lenses of basic effectiveness standards.
And this research concludes that. there are good commitments with regard to legislative
measures. in having structure from regional up to kebele (neighborhood) level. But there is
problem in having gender sensitive development plan. human resources. monitoring and
evaluation measures, there is no gender responsive budgeting, problem in identification of
activities for implementation of economic rights of women and sening priories .