This study explores the practice of development communication in CARE Ethiopia which is an umbrella international organization for many NGOs in Ethiopia. The study employed qualitative method and the data were collected using in-depth interview, focus group discussion and field observation. The collected data were organized and analyzed in the form of thematic analysis. The result revealed that top down communication approach was mainly used in the organization. The local community perceived communication as a transmission and dissemination of information, and sharing of experience for creating awareness for the development issues by the experts and with their friends. And also the organization practitioners perceived communication as persuasion and advocating the local community to accept the development messages of the organization to achieve its goal and also perceived as an image building activity.
Based on the findings, the pressing factors or the barrier that affect the development communication and the projects objective was dependency syndrome. And the other barriers are absence of communication expert and communication policy in the organization and shortage of time or the project’s deadline is short, it is also another factor.