dc.description.abstract |
The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of exercise management on the improvement of muscular endurance and flexibility for health related fitness at woreta town sport Dani mini GYM participants. The subjects in this study were 15 from those,15 subjects are participated in health related fitness program .From those 11 trainer are male and 4 trainer are female . Their age between 24-64 years old. The researcher used quesi experimental designs of the study and using statically analysis. Sit-up test used for evaluate muscular endurance and sit and reach test used to evaluate flexibility of the individuals trainer. Before the first week pre-test were conducted and after the twelve week post-test were conducted by the researcher. In this study paired sample t-test used to evaluate the effects of exercise management on muscular endurance and flexibility of trainers and Independent sample t- test used to compare the relationship between pre-versus-post test scores of muscular endurance and flexibility. The alpha level was 0.05 (at 95% of CI). Descriptive statics were used to describe participant’s anthropometric variable. From the results of finding muscular endurance (1minut sit-up test) showed significant difference (p=0.00), which is less than the 0.05 alpha level. Therefore, there is significant difference in the muscular endurance. In case of flexibility test (sit and reach test in cm) showed a significant (p=0.00). Therefore, there is significant difference in flexibility composite scores between the PT and POT results. In both SUPT and SRT result the POT is greater than the PT score. The men value of SUP PT 25.66±10.35 most participant engaged in the standard category of poor, average and good in endurance. SUP POT showed 33.8±8.49 it indicates that participant improved in endurance and the category of above average, good and excellent in endurance. SRT flexibility PT showed -11.13±8.15 most of trainers under category of vary poor, poor, and fair .SRT POT indicates 0.6 ±6.78 it showed the participant categorized in average, good, and excellent in flexibility |
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