The study was conducted in effectiveness of sport management on Federation and committee leaders performance in Amhara national regional state. The main objective of this study was to identify the effectiveness of sport federation and committee leader’s performance on the development of sport journey. There are 22federation and committee in ANRS. 17 federation and committee representative samples were selected by purposive sampling method. The major data collection instruments were questionnaires, Interview and document observation. 8interviewees were selected. Observation of two years annual plan, monthly meetings and reports were selected to gather information about sport management practices of federation and committee. The data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. As the finding of the study showed different FSM experience was found, that was Aware and unaware of managing sports federation and committee responsibilities, the current performance of planning organizing, supervising, budgeting, funding, and monitoring was identified. Some federation and committee were have effective sport management where as others were not, Federation and committee were not managed their sport clubs organization and produce elite athletes. Finally Summery and conclusion were made and recommendation was suggested.