The measure purpose of the study was to investigate the contribution of physical exercise on Dembecha grade 9-12thstudents’ academic achievements. To the end participant students overall academic achievement after the treatment experimental group received the training was compared with those grade 9-12thstudents who did not attend the training. Hence, a non-equivalent group’s posttest design style of the study with one group receiving the physical exercise training and the other comparative (control groups) who did not take the training overall academic achievements of the second semester were analyzed. The mean for each groups scores was calculated, the standard mean deviation effect size and compared using t-test for independent sample and paired sample test, the class room posttest and physical exercise test scores were correlated to see their relationship. Semi- experimental research design was employed and 100 students with the age of (±18) were selected by lottery sampling method, 3 school sport teachers were selected by purposive sampling method from Dembecha preparatory and General secondary school to Collect data. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were employed, the instruments for collecting data were; questionnaires of close-ended prepared for students, and questions of open-ended prepared for students’ using semi- structured interview for school sport teachers and document analysis to collect data. In order to interpret the data collected through questionnaire and semi- structured interview, percentages mean using tables were used for quantitative data gathered from students’ and descriptive used for qualitative data gathered from school sport teachers and students. The result showed (tc =5.674 is greater than t-table value=1.95 df=98,p<0.05).It is significant that, physical exercise have a role for academic achievement of students’ by the following ways; Physical exercise increases neural and behavioral concomitants associated with the allocation of attention to a specific cognitive task, has both immediate and long term benefits almost immediately after engaging in physical activities allow students’ to be better in concentration of class room tasks which can enhance learning, over time as students engage in developmentally appropriate physical activity their improved physical fitness can have additional positive effects on their academic achievement in different subject areas, used as a break from academic learning time post engagement effects include; better attention, increased on task behaviors and improved academic performance, can help students’ to feel better about themselves and their lives, reduce anxiety and improve mood, facilitate certain aspects of information processing in students’ and effects on psychological health there has been substantial interest in the potential impacts of improved fitness and exercise on cognitive function and learning in student.
The measure purpose of the study was to investigate the contribution of physical exercise on Dembecha grade 9-12thstudents’ academic achievements. To the end participant students overall academic achievement after the treatment experimental group received the training was compared with those grade 9-12thstudents who did not attend the training. Hence, a non-equivalent group’s posttest design style of the study with one group receiving the physical exercise training and the other comparative (control groups) who did not take the training overall academic achievements of the second semester were analyzed. The mean for each groups scores was calculated, the standard mean deviation effect size and compared using t-test for independent sample and paired sample test, the class room posttest and physical exercise test scores were correlated to see their relationship. Semi- experimental research design was employed and 100 students with the age of (±18) were selected by lottery sampling method, 3 school sport teachers were selected by purposive sampling method from Dembecha preparatory and General secondary school to Collect data. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were employed, the instruments for collecting data were; questionnaires of close-ended prepared for students, and questions of open-ended prepared for students’ using semi- structured interview for school sport teachers and document analysis to collect data. In order to interpret the data collected through questionnaire and semi- structured interview, percentages mean using tables were used for quantitative data gathered from students’ and descriptive used for qualitative data gathered from school sport teachers and students. The result showed (tc =5.674 is greater than t-table value=1.95 df=98,p<0.05).It is significant that, physical exercise have a role for academic achievement of students’ by the following ways; Physical exercise increases neural and behavioral concomitants associated with the allocation of attention to a specific cognitive task, has both immediate and long term benefits almost immediately after engaging in physical activities allow students’ to be better in concentration of class room tasks which can enhance learning, over time as students engage in developmentally appropriate physical activity their improved physical fitness can have additional positive effects on their academic achievement in different subject areas, used as a break from academic learning time post engagement effects include; better attention, increased on task behaviors and improved academic performance, can help students’ to feel better about themselves and their lives, reduce anxiety and improve mood, facilitate certain aspects of information processing in students’ and effects on psychological health there has been substantial interest in the potential impacts of improved fitness and exercise on cognitive function and learning in student.
The measure purpose of the study was to investigate the contribution of physical exercise on Dembecha grade 9-12thstudents’ academic achievements. To the end participant students overall academic achievement after the treatment experimental group received the training was compared with those grade 9-12thstudents who did not attend the training. Hence, a non-equivalent group’s posttest design style of the study with one group receiving the physical exercise training and the other comparative (control groups) who did not take the training overall academic achievements of the second semester were analyzed. The mean for each groups scores was calculated, the standard mean deviation effect size and compared using t-test for independent sample and paired sample test, the class room posttest and physical exercise test scores were correlated to see their relationship. Semi- experimental research design was employed and 100 students with the age of (±18) were selected by lottery sampling method, 3 school sport teachers were selected by purposive sampling method from Dembecha preparatory and General secondary school to Collect data. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were employed, the instruments for collecting data were; questionnaires of close-ended prepared for students, and questions of open-ended prepared for students’ using semi- structured interview for school sport teachers and document analysis to collect data. In order to interpret the data collected through questionnaire and semi- structured interview, percentages mean using tables were used for quantitative data gathered from students’ and descriptive used for qualitative data gathered from school sport teachers and students. The result showed (tc =5.674 is greater than t-table value=1.95 df=98,p<0.05).It is significant that, physical exercise have a role for academic achievement of students’ by the following ways; Physical exercise increases neural and behavioral concomitants associated with the allocation of attention to a specific cognitive task, has both immediate and long term benefits almost immediately after engaging in physical activities allow students’ to be better in concentration of class room tasks which can enhance learning, over time as students engage in developmentally appropriate physical activity their improved physical fitness can have additional positive effects on their academic achievement in different subject areas, used as a break from academic learning time post engagement effects include; better attention, increased on task behaviors and improved academic performance, can help students’ to feel better about themselves and their lives, reduce anxiety and improve mood, facilitate certain aspects of information processing in students’ and effects on psychological health there has been substantial interest in the potential impacts of improved fitness and exercise on cognitive function and learning in student.
The measure purpose of the study was to investigate the contribution of physical exercise on Dembecha grade 9-12thstudents’ academic achievements. To the end participant students overall academic achievement after the treatment experimental group received the training was compared with those grade 9-12thstudents who did not attend the training. Hence, a non-equivalent group’s posttest design style of the study with one group receiving the physical exercise training and the other comparative (control groups) who did not take the training overall academic achievements of the second semester were analyzed. The mean for each groups scores was calculated, the standard mean deviation effect size and compared using t-test for independent sample and paired sample test, the class room posttest and physical exercise test scores were correlated to see their relationship. Semi- experimental research design was employed and 100 students with the age of (±18) were selected by lottery sampling method, 3 school sport teachers were selected by purposive sampling method from Dembecha preparatory and General secondary school to Collect data. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were employed, the instruments for collecting data were; questionnaires of close-ended prepared for students, and questions of open-ended prepared for students’ using semi- structured interview for school sport teachers and document analysis to collect data. In order to interpret the data collected through questionnaire and semi- structured interview, percentages mean using tables were used for quantitative data gathered from students’ and descriptive used for qualitative data gathered from school sport teachers and students. The result showed (tc =5.674 is greater than t-table value=1.95 df=98,p<0.05).It is significant that, physical exercise have a role for academic achievement of students’ by the following ways; Physical exercise increases neural and behavioral concomitants associated with the allocation of attention to a specific cognitive task, has both immediate and long term benefits almost immediately after engaging in physical activities allow students’ to be better in concentration of class room tasks which can enhance learning, over time as students engage in developmentally appropriate physical activity their improved physical fitness can have additional positive effects on their academic achievement in different subject areas, used as a break from academic learning time post engagement effects include; better attention, increased on task behaviors and improved academic performance, can help students’ to feel better about themselves and their lives, reduce anxiety and improve mood, facilitate certain aspects of information processing in students’ and effects on psychological health there has been substantial interest in the potential impacts of improved fitness and exercise on cognitive function and learning in student.