Assessment of the physical fitness quality of physical education teachers in secondary and preparatory schools is vital in the teaching learning process of physical education. The purpose of this study was to assess physical education teacher’sstatus of physical fitness in West Gojjam zone secondary and preparatory schools. With random sampling cross-sectional study design was employed. Quantitative data was gathered from 38 physical education teachers from Gonji, Burieatikum, Burieshiqudad and Merawi secondary and preparatory schools. SPSS version 20 software was used for data analysis.Physical fitness variables selected for the study were cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, and agility. The data were analyzed by using one sample t-testand ANOVA.Cardio respiratory endurance measured using 1.5mile run test, flexibility measured using sit and rich test and agility was measured using Illinoisagility test. Result shows that in cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility and agility this sample group physical education male teachers’ was found to be above average than the required standard. Cardio respiratory endurance and flexibilityin PE female teachers’ werefound above averagebut in case agility was below average. And practically significant mean score difference between physical education teachers cardio respiratory capacity, flexibility and agility as a function of age group category but on the contrary no statistically significant mean score difference observed between physical education teachers with age group. These findings show that physical education teachers of secondary schools categorized under good level when their result compared to fitness standard. Therefore, it would be recommended physical education teachers of secondary schools should engage in regular physical exercise to upgrade their physical fitness level.
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