The main purpose of this study was to assess the challenges of implementing students’ continuous practical assessment and suggests potential solutions to the challenges. Four basic questions were raised to achieve the objectives of the study. To answer these basic research questions, descriptive survey research method was employed. teachers and students were participants of the study. The schools were selected by purposive sampling and participants were selected by random sampling method. The participant in this study were 105 students and 21 teachers. Data were collected through questionnaire, interview and observation frequency and percentage was used as a main technique of analysis for quantitative data and qualitative data were analyzed in words. The major findings of this study include very weak continuous assessment plan and the status of continuous practical assessment was low because the awareness of the students towards continuous practical assessment and its implementation was low. most of the time assessment techniques were used improperly. The study also found that large class sizes inadequacy of school infrastructure, lack of awareness towards continuous practical assessment ,weak follow up support and feedback system on the implementation of continuous assessment, lack of material and playground in the schools were the major challenges of continuous assessment. for further improvement, continuous on support and immediate feedback on the learners' continuous assessment implementation, fulfillment of facilities and materials and also large class size were suggested as potential solutions to the proper implementation of continuous assessment.