The primarily purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of physical fitness training on physical fitness status of Mankussa Secondary and Preparatory School students. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 28 students, 14on experimental group and 14 on control group. The control group did not participated in physical exercise program. Experimental group was participated in moderate intensity fitness training for 12 consecutive weeks with frequency of 3 days per a week for 60 minutes.The physical fitness variables for the study were:cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, speed and agility.Pre- and post-test were conducted to measure the selected variables. The collected data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test (SPSS) with pair wise comparison of means at 95% confidence interval.After 12 week continues fitness training the experimental group was registered significant improvement on each selected fitness variable. The experimental group of mean difference was registered 12.71 and 12.21 by three minute step and curl up test for respectively and 2.71and 0.50 by control group, which turn indicates the improvement of cardiovascular endurance and muscular strengthwere observed on experimental group. The rationale for these improvements was due to 12 week physical training subjects were engage in. The 35m speed run test the mean difference value of experimental group was increased by 0.84sec.; this shows that there was a significant development of speed performance. The mean difference value in Illinois runtest was increased by 2.44sec; these results indicate the effective change was observed on participants’ agility performance. The finding of this study showed that, physical fitness training program has positive effect onphysical fitness status of participants. After the 12 week of physicalfitness training was concluded that the experimental group shows significant improvement than the control group on physical fitness components.