The purpose of this study was to assess impact of sport officials on the effectiveness of youth football project in East Gojjam Administrative zone. In order to achieve this objective, basic research questions were formulated related to human resource management, football facility and marketing. Review of related literatures were assessed about sport management, human and facility management, problems of football projects in Ethiopia. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected through questionnaires , interview and document sources .A cross sectional research design was used in order to assess the impact of woreda sport managers and professionals on youth football projects which were under 13 and under 15 which were found in the study area. The data was collected from a total population of 224, football project players (84), coaches (7), woreda sports manager and officials (21) are selected by purposive and stratified random sampling techniques. The data was collected ,filtered , arranged and interred in to SPSS software mean , frequency , standard deviation , correlation , t- test with critical value of 1.74 and 2.95 with 0.05 significant level were mainly used for the quantitative data fore Likert, scale value. The qualitative data was logically arranged and interpreted and triangulated with the quantitative data , The major findings includes the problem of human resource management , facility provision and marketing of youth football projects, Projects were not fulfilled with licensed coaches , sport facilities , poor communication with the community to assist football projects. In order to address this issue, woreda sport managers and professionals should have the required academic qualification and commitment to assist foot ball projects