This study was designed to assess the managerial factors that affect the successes of football clubs in Amhara Region South Wollo Administrative Zone FC, Wollo Kombolcha, Dessie town and Haik town FC. To obtain the desire objective of the study a cross-sectional survey design was used. To-do so as target population of 77 individuals were used, in which 66 players, 5 coaches 3 managers and 3 club board directors were included using purposive sampling method. Besides, questionnaire, interview, observation and were used as a data collecting tools. The collected data was organized, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive statistics such as table, percentages to give a designed picture of the respondent’s demographics. Accordingly, the data gathered through the questionnaire are analyzed using mean scores, standard deviations, one-sample T-test and one way ANOVA to make the appropriate statistical inferences and In similar ways, information gathered from interviewees and observations were analyzed by using qualitative techniques through narration and explanations. The findings of this study indicated that the following factors that affect the success of football clubs, which are m=1.2 financial sources, absence of m=1.7 media coverage, m=1.7702community and fan support=1.9318 psychological preparation, m=2.1616 motivation=2.1641 nutritional status. Consequently, it was concluded that psychological, social, organizational and infrastructure and care factors in the clubs were the factors that affect the success of football clubs in Amhara Region South Wollo Administrative Zone clubs. Thus, it was recommended that each club managers and club board directors are expected to alleviate the problems of the clubs for the better football performance in the Amhara Region South Wollo Administrative Zone Football club.