This study was conducted with the objective of investigating the practices and challenges which hinder sustained achievements in middle and long distance events in the case of West Gojjam Zone Athletics Federation. Cross sectional survey method was employed in order to undertake the research. 4 Woredas, and 5 athletics training centers were selected purposively. The total number of population was 123. 5 coaches and 6 officials of West Gojjam Zone Athletics Federation and woreda athletics committees were purposively selected for the research process. Furthermore, 15 males and 15 females a total of 30 trainees were selected from middle and long distance events using stratified random sampling. Both primary and secondary information sources were used to undertake the research. The data were gathered through questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group discussion and document analysis and the gathered data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data collected through questionnaire were organized and interpreted using descriptive statistics such as tables and percentage, and mean was also used. The data collected through semi structured interview, observation, focused group discussion and document analysis were organized using appropriate listing and were logged in accordance with cases and content wise. The research finding indicated that, although West Gojjam Zone Athletics federation and woreda Athletics committees were formed in skeleton, however in practice, they did not have their own strategy and their involvement in promoting the sport is minimal, Middle and long distance trainees did not get the required financial, material and psychological support from their parents, the coaching practices employed by coaches did not consider trainees age and their training experience, coaches followed none participatory approach in planning the training and decision making process, that is, there was poor –coach athlete relationship, little payments and incentives and additional responsibilities were among challenges of coaches to stay on their coaching duties, fellow youngsters exposure to compete with senior club Athletes and free athlete transfer system poses physiological and psychological threat on them and their coaches. Finally, based on the conclusions drawn, the following suggestions are forwarded. The Federation and respective Committees should have their own strategy, the coach – athlete relationship should be enhanced, coaching practices should be governed by principles of training and parents should be given awareness about the benefits of their children’s training.