The main purpose of this study was to investigate the current practices and problems of teachers'
performance appraisal (I'PA) in general primary schools of Merhabete Woreda, North Shoa Zone.
Information and Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews focusing on six areas:
perception ofappraisers and appraises of TPA purpose, implementation of TPA purposes, extent of
clarity and relevance of TP A criteria, competence of appraisers, operation of TPA process, and problems
of TPA. Descriptive survey method was used as a method of research. The study was conducted on eight
general primary schools sel$ffed using the Ci~i.}fel=~ti6fflM sampling technique which took in to
consideration (urban rural stratification). Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was also
employed to select teachers. School administrative committees, students, and parents were selected by
using comprehensive sampling, because of their limited population size. Based on the research questions,
the literature was reviewed. Survey questionnaire were developed and administered to 73 teachers, 32
students, "and 64 school administrative committees. Moreover, supportive data were collected through
interview from 8 principals and 24 parents who were involved in appraisal of teachers' performance in
the sample schools. Then the data collected, through questionnaire was tabulated and analyzed using
statistical analysis such as percentage, Chi-square (X2), Kruskal - Wallis one way analysis of variance
(K~ANOVA), and Dunn's test. The finding of the study "revealed that the perception of appraisers and
ap'ji,rc~/ses on the purposes of the current TP A was "good. But the current system ff TP A has not mainly
served for the developmental purposes only barely served the administrative purposes. Hence, both
summative and formative purposes were found to be inadequate. The appraisal criteria have been found
. to lack clarity and relevance to teachers' work. In addition teachers were not involved in the formulation
cf Tl'Acriteria. Furthermore, there was poor administration ofTPA process in the sample schools. It was
also found that appraisers lack competence to appraise teachers' performance effectively, because of lack
of training and experience. Good performance not followed by rewards, lack of timely feedback with
r.egard to TP A, appraisers bias, less 'interaction of appraisers with teachers, irrelevance of criteria and
lack of pre atid post appraisal discussion between appraisers and appraises were the major problems of
.T~ currently'in the sample schools of Merhabete Woreda. Based on the findings it was concluded that
TP A is not practiced properiyrand is affected by several problems. To overcome the problems, several
recobmendations are forwa~ded among which are provision of training for appraisers and appraises,
linking appraisal result with action, adoptingmultiple appraisal approach and different timing, providing
better feedback, and increasing the frequency ofclassroom observation are just a few.