Physical education classes have to provide the students with competences which would
enable 'them to engage in leisure time physical activity, school sports competitions in the
form of co-curricular physical activities. In spite of the fact, most physical education
teachers are still not being practiced co-curricular physical activities well in Debre tabor
secondary schools.
The main purpose of this study was to assess the practice and challenges of physical
education teachers in implementing co-curricular physical activity in Debre tabor
secondary schools. In this study 24 physical education teachers, 105 club member students
and 4 school principals were taken as a sample. The research design employed for the
study was a cross sectional survey method. Questionnaires administered for physical
education teachers and club member students were the major data gathering instrument
used in the study. Interview for school principals and observation were supportive data
gathering instruments. The frequency counts and percentiles were used for analyzing the
quantitative data while the qualitative data were thematically organized to understand the
emerging patterns of responses.
Finally the results of this study showed that the majority of physical education teachers
believed that it is their responsibilityto implement co-curricular physical activity. In spite
of the fact, activities of the program had not been well organized in to the plan. Majority of
physical education teachers could not organize intramural competitions, could not conduct
life skill training for club member students as well as school community. Active follow up,
- .jeedback4 and incentives for co-curricular programs were not sufficiently carried out by
school principals.
From this research the major challenges for physical education teachers not to implement
ea-curricular physical activity was un safe and un suitable play ground in the school
compound, shortage of equipment and facilities, inadequate budget, less attention from
schr;ol -principals and the like. From the major findings the researcher has recommended
that professional enthusiasm should be developed in physical education teachers to
maintain the spirit of co-~urricular physical activity. In addition to this, school
..._administration and physical education teachers should work cooperatively to facilitate
"" sporting equipment and play grounds in the school.