The purpose ofthis study was to investigate taLent identification and its effect on the deveLopment
olmaLe u-J 5footbaLL
project pLayers the case ofKomboLcha and Haike in South WoLLo influence
ol participation in a special squad-based taLent deveLopment programme on seLected
anthropometric. physicaL variables
and skills in youth pLayers. This investigation was initiated in
the team sport
of footbaLL in order to determine if participation in a taLent deveLopment
programme ofthis kind can be successfuL in the South WoLLo context. A second purpose was to
consider the effectiveness
ol the squad-based modeL in reLation to the traditionaL schooL-based
modeL that is commonLy impLemented
for taLent deveLopment in South WoLLo footbaLL projects.
study foLLowed a static group design in afieLd setting. The squad-based group (N=20) was
composed ofjcJotbal1 pLayers ages U - J5 years oLd from KomboLcha Number Two GeneraL
Primmy School by using purposive sampLing techniques. The schooL-based group (N=20) was
composed of/ootball pLayers from HaikefootbalL project were traditionaLLy seLected in the same
zone by using purposive sampling techniques that maintained a quaLified coaches. The subjects
in the
squad-based and schooL based groups participated in a speciaL six-month training
programme, which
consisted of 2 training sessions (90minutes) and mostLy J match per week.
The data coLLection instrument tooLs pretests, posttest
and observation. The resuLts ofthis study
Lead to some generaL conclusions about the squad based training model. Three components of
dribbling, passing skiLLs deveLopment improved significantly. Significant changes were found in
of the physicaL variabLes associated with footbaLL performance. Significant changes were
found in anthropometric variabLes. One ofphysicaL variables was not improved. According to
the result
squad-based modeL appeared to have been sign[ficantLy more effective than the schooL
based model in the deveLopment variabLes of anthropometric, physical and skiLL. Based on the
resuLts the
squad-based modeL talent identification criteria was proposed as an approach to
taLent deveLopment that
can make a sign!/icant contribution to the deveLopmenr qffootball
performance in south WoL!o contecsl. Continuous re.finement of current modeLs and even the
ofnew modeLs may one day create systems where every child can reach toward his own
sporting potentiaL.
Key words - Anthropometric, physical, skiLL.