?Women compose half of the total population of the world. But women's works is undervalued and mainly
concentrate on domestic works. Emphases are given to reproductive roles of women and undermine the
productive one. In such a situation, it is difficult to talk about development, as the full participation of
women in the economy. Even though women participate in productive work, they highly concentrate in
the in formal sector. Thus,· women were mainly involved in the un paid work of the informal sector and
even though they do paid works, it is low paid and undervalued. Due to these social and economic ,
deprivations, women lives in the society are subjected to problems in many cases. The gendered social
structure has its own significant impact for the involvement of women in valued and high paid works in
the formal sector. While many research as have been conducted on the issue of waitresses, they focus on
investigating a unique restaurant worker subculture. Othf_rS put emphasis on the issue of heavy drinking
habifs•oJ.restaurant workers in the workplace. And their scope is on restaurants of the modern world
outside Ethiopia. Little research has actually been conducted in this specific area, especially on the
perspectives of women. Thus, the purpose of this research study is to investigate the living conditions of
waitresses in Bahir Dar city. To succeed objective of the study, the researcher employed primary and
secondary sources of data. The primary sources of data were interview and focus group discussion. The
researcher employed qualitative research approach. This enables the researcher to get detailed
information about the study participants. The researcher used case study as a research strategy. The
• I• ,,
researcher used thematic analysis. The findings indicate that waitresses are low paid workers, and as a
result they used different escaping mechanisms in order to balance their family life. Thus, the life of
~aitresses is full of challenge while it has also a positive effect to participate on paid work.