~men empowerment has attracted the attention of researchers as an active area of research since
1980s. It can be viewed as an ultimate end as well as a means to achieve other development goals.
Despite many international agreements affirming women 's rights, women are still having more limited
access thaa men to property ownership, credit, training and employment. Women constitute half of the
population of Ethiopia and play a very crucial role in the development of society at all levels.
Unfortunately, Gender-based inequalities lead women to lower economic, political and social status. To
improve this fallen position and status of women many NGO 's are working together with the
gobernment. These NGO 's are functioning for positive change of the status of women.
Therefore, in this paper -q.n attempt has been made to focus light on the effectiveness of •
these NGO 's functions on women's empowerment in Bahir Dar town. This study used
quantitative approach to answer the objectives of study; thus the survey technique using
questionnaire was implemented. For the purpose of this study, the target populations were women who
were beneficiaries of NGOs in Bahir Dar. They were around I, 708of 3 NGOs in town of Bahir Dar. To
determine the proportion of each NGO in the sample size sampling ratio has been appl ied. A
respondent of two hundred and eighty eight (288) women were selected using simple random
sampling technique. A structured self-administered five point likert scale questionnaire was developed as the
method of data collection. Data were collected from three NGOs working on women's empowerment; these
were, CARE Ethiopia, Mums for Mums and Catholic Women 's Training Center. Then, the data
obtained.from the respondents were coded, computed and analyzed using SPSS (version 20). The analysis
was based on a combination of statistical analysis such as, descriptive statistics, and ANOVA test. A
variety of descriptive statistics were utilized like, .frequency distribution and measures of central
tendency. In addition a post hoc ANOVA test was used to determine the significance in" women
empowerment between each group of NGO 's functions. This study measures women's empowerment at
two levels: individual and collective (community) empowerment by four dimensions; these were
economical, socio-cultural, familial/interpersonal and psychological dimensions: The result of the
study revealed that the level of women 's empowerment among Bahir Dar women is high. In addition, among
NGOs .functions saving and credit service function was effective on women's empowerment programs. Thus,
the study has indicated that NGO 's can be helpful for developing countries in achieving the
millennium development goal of women 'sempowermen