This study investigated the effects of problem-solving teaching method on elementary school
students' physics achievement at Dudmgne elementary school, Woreta Administrative Town,
South Gondar Zone. In this investigation an experimental research procedure was used. Along
with this, a sample of sixty students was drawn from a total of three hundred seventy eight
students using lottery method of sampling technique. Physics achievement test (-pre-test and post
test) covering the unit "Introduction to Electronics " was used as measuring instrument. Then,
based on the pre-test scores, mixed ability groups such as fifteen high and fifteen low
scoring 30 students each were assigned as experimental (13Fandl 7 M) and control(l 5
and] 5M) groups using lottery method of sampling technique. Students in the experimental
group were taught using Problem solving teaching method while those in the control group were
instructed with lecture teaching method. Both groups were taught the unit "Introduction t;
electronics" for a month, 40 minutes per period, totally ten periods each. The post-test
constructed by the writer in the sample unit taught was administrated to both groups immediately
• after the treatment was over. The research data were collected from both groups through physics
~ achievement test PAT pre-test- before and post-test after treatment and video observations at the
time of treatment. Independent samples t-test was applied to check the meaningful differences
between the averages accordingly. Finally, the results of the study revealed that problem solving
teaching method was more effective in teaching physics as compared with lecture method at
elementary school level.