dc.description.abstract |
The primary purpose of this study was to compare students' academic achievement in government and
n~-government schools and examine the relationship of students learning behavior and teachers
tf!aching practice as factors that affect students' academic achievement. Besides it tried to examine the
prediction of students' academic achievement with the two independent factors many of students learning
behavior and teachers teaching practice. Two government and two nongovernment first cycle secondary
school students and teachers were used in this study and the study was carried out using 280, (75 males
and 85 females) and (65 males and 55 females) governmental and nongovernmental students respectively
and also 100(58 males and 17 females) and (22males and 3 females) governmental and nongovernmental
school teachers were selected by using stratified random sampling techniques respectively. A
questionnaire was applied to 380 students and teachers who completed a questionnaire that addressed
characteristics analyzed for each group and an interview was conducted for 19 students and 6 teachers.
The 380 participants were randomly chosen to respond to items on Students learning behavior and
teache~s teaching practice. The study uses three semesters students academic achievement result (2003,
1&11; 20£)4, I) years, Data from the completed questionnaires were reported using descriptive statistics
and .frequency. Colleoted data were tabulated analyzed and interpreted in the light of objectives of the
study by applying statistical tools of t-test, multiple regressions and Pearson 's Product - Moment
coefficient of correlation(r), and students learning behavior scale with reliability of 0.871 where as
teachers teaching practice scale with reliability of 0.859 were administered . The level of significance
was 0. 05. Major findings of the study were that the mean value for each of the independent variables of
non-g(}l<!rnment schools were greater than the government schools, and the t-test computed revealed that
there A- statistically significant difference on students' academic achievement between government and
non-government schools. Besides, the correlation of the independent ~ariables to the dependent variable
was low for both government and non government schools students' academic achievement. Students
learning behavior (t = -3. 04,Df=278 'p < 0. 05) is significance difference were found in both schools, and
this independent variable was a good predictor for students academic achievement in both schools and
also Teachers teaching practice (t = -3.03,Df=98, p <0.05) is also significance difference between in
both schools to predict students' academic achievement for government schools and non government
»schools., The predictor variables account for 37% of the variability in the criterion variable of
governmental school whereas; the predictor variables account for 52% of the variability in the criterion
variable of nongovernmental school. Finally based on the results of the study implications and
recommendations to alleviate the problem were forfvarded |
en_US |