Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Awgni as Medium of Instruction: Department of Curriculum Studies. and Teacher Education Faculty of Education and Behavioral Science 073 The Case of lnjibara Teachers' Education College

Show simple item record Ebestie, Kassie 2017-07-05T08:59:22Z 2017-07-05T08:59:22Z 2017-06-05
dc.description.abstract The objectives of this study were to explore the existing opportunities and challenges in implementing Awngi as a medium of instruction at lnjibara Teacher Education College. To achieve the objectives 145 trainees through simple random sampling, 22 teacher educators, and 2 college officials have been chosen through comprehensive sampling . - Abstract technique. Questionnaire and interview items were used to collect the necessary data. Data collected through close-ended questionnaire has been presented, analyzed and interpreted using percentage responses and mean scores. On the other hand, data secured through interview and open-ended questions have been analyzed and, interpreted quantitatively through descriptive statements and/or explanation. The findings of the study indicated that the majority of trainees and teacher educators were aware of the. educational, psychological significance of teacher education in Awngi. They also reacted towards the advantage of the program favorably. Better awareness created and favorable • reactions of all teacher educators, college officials and most trainees to wards the -significance of the program, encouraging support rendered to the program by ANRSEB, AAZED, Teacher Educators, better Awngi language skill of more trainees, Establishment of the college in the place where native speakers are found were opportunities of the program. However, lack of before hand prepared curriculum materials, lack of teacher training on how to teach in Awngi; how to translate curricular materials, lack of . reference materials in Awgni, poor language skills of teacher educators in Awgni, lack of C.adaptation of curriculum materials to local resources and culture of Awi nation absence of common dialects, were challenges of the program. Based on the 'findings, recommendations, which may help to reduce challenges, were forwarded. en_US
dc.subject Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies en_US
dc.title Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Awgni as Medium of Instruction: Department of Curriculum Studies. and Teacher Education Faculty of Education and Behavioral Science 073 The Case of lnjibara Teachers' Education College en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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