The performance of Horizontal axis wind turbines in various scales of the rotor has been evaluated that depends on chord length distribution with aspect ratio. For the micro and small-scale wind turbines that have been analyzed for power coefficient, the geometry of the blade structure taken from ECL has to be measured. And, techniques have utilized dis-tinct measurement tools such as Vernier Caliper, balance, compass, protractor, T-square, and tape measure to accomplish the task. For this research paper, the number of blades that have been created under HAWTs that are appropriate for airfoil profiles to three blades. Moreover, those blade profiles have brought more than the existing ones. The challenge is a starting blade profile to increase the performance of HAWTs. And, Outcomes of HAWT performance have shown an increment in percentage and convergent in pressure distribu-tion. For instance, the reference blade structure delivers a coefficient of power of 17.70%. Numerical analysis of ECL blade airfoil, newer developed airfoil blade profiles without optimization and finally optimized blade based on created airfoil profile for both micro and small-size scale HAWT have been calculated by using the Schmitz approach. Besides that, ANSYS and QBLADE software are major tools for evaluating and optimizing blade ge-ometries which means chord length along the length of the blade. Furthermore, physical blade structures have been fabricated under a 3D printing machine for future work. The highest coefficient of power without optimization is 28.8%. After optimization has taken place, micro-scale size HAWT and small-scale size HAWT have coefficients of power 35.40% and 44.70%, respectively. The size of the blade is the major factor in determining the extraction of wind turbines. As a result, annual power generation increases in HAWT as the radius of the rotor rises in identical weather conditions.
ECL blade, Schmitz Approach, CFD, ANSYS, QBLADE, Micro-Scale HAWT, Small-Scale HAWT.