The quality management system has affirmative effects on the operational endeavors of the
organization. Itprovides consistency of processes, consistency of products and procedures
through integrating all activities and functional units of the organization to achieve
organizational goals and objectives. There are many organizations which have got a
certification of ISO 9001QMS implementation in the leather manufacturing in Ethiopia.
However; they did not overtake the systems as a quality improvement tool for continuous
improvement of their performance. Moreover; The QMS implementation could not be
accomplished according to ISO 9001 QMS principles and requirements. This is because
the organizations have misunderstood its purpose and benefits.The main purpose of this
studyis to investigatethe effects of QMS implementation practice on organizational
performance and market competitiveness at ELICO-Awash tannery which is among a few
leather manufacturing industries certified for ISO 9001:2008 QMS.It also identifiedthe
problems and challenges of QMS implementation practice in ELICO-Awash tannery.the
conceptual frame work of this studyis based onthe principles of QMSto investigateitseffect
of QMS implementation practice on the organizational performance and market
competitiveness.A descriptive research method isusedconducting the research and
purposive sampling method is used for determiningthe respondents.Questionnaires and
interviewswere used instruments for collecting of primary data based on the
implementation practices of ISO 9001:2008 QMS. The results analyzed and interpreted
quantitatively using five-point Likert scale and IBM SPSS statistics version 22 software.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to carry out forfurther data analysis and
interpretationstatisticallytesting of manifesting the effects of QMS on the organizational
performance and market competitiveness. The results revealed that the QMS principles
which are predicator variables, have strong and a positive correlation with the
organizational performance and market competitiveness. The model of multiple linear
regression has shown that the QMS has explained its effect on the variance of
organizational performance and market competitiveness.
Key words: QMS, ISO 9000 standards, QMS principles, organization performance and
market competitiveness.