The purpose of the study was to evaluate the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) pillars of
TPM such as autonomous maintenance, focused improvement, planned maintenance,
education and training, safety, health and environment) towards to manufacturing
performances such as quality, cost, delivery and flexibility considering at Dangote Cement
Ethiopia PLC. It was intended to fill the existing knowledge gap as earlier studies were not
particularly conducted to address these issues. Accordingly, the research was carried out to
close such gaps that existed as a result of past studies did not deal with total productive
maintenance pillars. A total of 500 key informants were involved which was evaluated as a
descriptive statistics type of research involving both qualitative and quantitative data for
research findings. Questionnaires were utilized as the main data collection tool pertinent
information from primary sources. While books, prior research, journals, articles, published
and unpublished materials, etc. were employed as secondary data sources. Quantitative
descriptive statistics analyzed by SPSS V.26 was used to interpret the data, then, presented
using frequency, percentages, tables and figures. Therefore, the study indicated that the
correlation coefficient between the two variables is 0.861. This result also supports the
findings of other researchers that say there is strong relationship between the pillars of TPM
practices and company performance. The finding of the study suggests the potential
implications for the top management or concerned body of the case company towards to
implementing all pillars of TPM practices to improve the manufacturing performance since
the output of the study indicates as there were positive and significant relationships between
the variables.
Key Words: Total Productive Maintenance, Manufacturing Performance,
Dangote Cement Ethiopia PLC.