Cabbage is very important vegetable crop in Ethiopia and cabbage aphid is also one of the key
insect pests of cabbage which causes severe yield losses of the crop. The present study was
designed to assess farmers pest management practice and the efficiency of plant extracts and
nets in the control of important cabbage insect pests in irrigated fields of Koga Water Shade, A
cross sectional survey was conducted to assess farmer’s perception on the impact of insect pests
on cabbage and an experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different plant extracts
and net in the control of major cabbage insect pests using in a randomized complete block
design. This study's main goals were to evaluate the farmer's method of protecting cabbage from
insect pests, analyze the effectiveness of insect nets, determine the potential of a particular plant
extract as a pesticide, and analyze cost-benefit analysis. In the survey work 153 farmers were
included. According to the results from the survey spraying the cabbage with water prevents
insect’s access to insecticides and their affordability was found to be the major challenge in
controlling insect pests. The study investigates the impact of insects on cabbage production,
highlighting the effectiveness of traditional medicine winter season is more effective for
production of cabbage. The findings in experiment showed that the synthetic chemical
(Imidacloprid) and neem leaves extract had best a significant effect respectively than other
treatments. The highest mean percent efficacy was recorded from the synthetic insecticide name
of the chemical is confort (Imidacloprid) 96.14% followed by neem leaves and neem and endod
mixed extracts 89.70% and 66.40% respectively. The botanicals particularly the neem leaf
extract followed by neem and endod mix were much safer than conventionally synthetic
insecticide, even superior in some cases, in controlling the target pests, environmentally friendly,
affordability and safe with reasonable efficacy Therefore, these botanicals could be used as IPM
component for against the target pests. Further studies should be conducted on effectiveness of
these botanicals in different seasons.