This thesis discusses the political career of Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa, who played a crucial
role and active involvement in the politics of Gojjam province, more specifically in Agäw Meder, Mätäkäl, Baher Dar and even Ĉelega Awraja of Gondar, since the midd of Ethiopian
patriotic resistance movement against fascist rule to the period even after the final collapse
of Haile Silassie`s old government and the coming to power of the Därg military
admiistration. Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa claimed descent from a prominent noble lineage
of Agäw-Meder and as a young man he become known for his regular engagement in the
patriotic resistance campaigns of Agäw-Meder against the Fascist Italian occupation of
Ethiopia since 1935 to 1941. But don’t forget that years before the advent of the Italian
occupation, he commenced his church education later was stopped due to the Italian
invasion. In the post-liberation period, Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa not resumed his standstill
education but become one of a Šeffeta in the surrounding for a brief period of time. Then
after, Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa was corrected by law from his incivility, appointed and
assigned by Haile Silassie`s government, he had become a political leader served circularly
in different districts of Agäw-Meder and Mätäkäl Awrajas with different hierarchical
positions since 1945-1974 for about 29 years. For about the last six years befor the final
dismissal eras of the old system and administrative machinery of Haile Silassie`s feudal
regime, Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa was one of the parlama members (1969-1974)
representing the peoples of Agäw-Meder in Gojjam until the final death of that monarchical
government under Emperor Haile Silassie I of Ethiopia in 1974. Following the deposed of the
old monarch and disband of the parliament by the military junta Därg, Qäññazmač Seménäh
Dästawas became the one expected opponents of Därg. He took up arms and moved to
banditry. He would use his popularity and experiences throughout his life time as a patriot,
Šeffeta, wäräda governor and Member of Parliament in initiating, organizing and leading the
famous and formidable anti-Därg uprising in Agäw-Meder and the neighbouring districts.
Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa was one of the leaders of the uprising whose excellent leadership
was a major factor for the brief but not long-lasting successes that were achieved in Agäw Meder. When the revolt was crushed out in Agäw-Meder in 1976, after some monthes of
fugitive life roundly around at home, Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa, the ardent opponent of the
Därg government, want to the Sudan with some of his followers and in that joined with the
E.D.U leaders, who would facilitated his supplies from the Sudan and even Egypt
governments, Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa maintained resistance until July 1977 in Mätäkäl,
Ĉelega and Baher Dar Awrajas. After, he was struggling the Därg military government for
about three years (1975-1977) heroically, the death of Qäññazmač Seménäh Dästa was come
to be realised on 20 of July 1977, while he was fighting the Därg at Baher Dar Awraja
lowland areas of Ačäfär wäräda. The data for this study was collected through interviews
made between November 2017 to April 2018 and from archives as well as both publications
and unpublications focusing on the issue.