Evaluation of irrigation system plays a fundamental role in improving surface irrigation and in providing information used to advise irrigators how to improve their system operation. Hence,
This study was conducted to evaluate the existing hydraulic performance of Shimburit small irrigation scheme in selected indicators at Debere Elyas Woreda, East Gojjam zone, Amhara Region. Internal and external performance indicators were used for evaluation. To achieve the objectives, primary and secondary data were collected. Primary data collection includes measuring discharge at different points of main, secondary, tertiary and field canals, soil moisture before and after irrigation and depth of water applied. The secondary data collection includes determination of crop types, total yields, prices of irrigated crops, area irrigated per crop per season and cost of production. From our result of the internal performance indicators analyses, the conveyance efficiency, application efficiency, storage efficiency and overall efficiency were found to be 79.14 percent, 68.9 percent, 33.01 percent and 54.53 percent respectively. From the analyses of external indicators, the outputs per crop area were found as 180 quintal and 540,000 birr per hectare, the value of outputs per command area of the scheme were 103.81 quintal and 294,300 birr per hectare and the output per unit irrigation supply of 0.017 quintal and 49.82 birr per cubic meter, output per water consumed was 0.039 quintal and 116.85 birr per cubic meter. The irrigation ratio of the scheme was found to be 0.6 which means 60 percent of the command area was under irrigation during the study period. Water distribution equity, reliability and water saving, continuous monitoring and maintenance is required for its long-term sustainability; Nevertheless, the results of the study can be considered in proposed water saving plans for improving the performances of the scheme. It provides to the system managers, farm staff and policy makers a better understanding of how a system can be operated.
Keywords: Shimburit; hydraulic performance; internal and external performance Indicators.