In this dissertation, we studied the well-posedness and decay rate on the radius of
spatial analyticity for solutions to some class of nonlinear dispersive PDEs applicable in
many problems involving water waves. In particular, our study focused on the nonlinear
Schrodinger equation, fourth-order Schr ¨ odinger equation with cubic nonlinearity, gen- ¨
eralized Korteweg de-Vries equation, generalized Korteweg de-Vries equations with
higher-order dispersion and nonlinear wave equation with initial data in the modified
Gevrey space. We first introduce the initial value problems for each models. Second, we
study the local-in-time well-posedness of them using different estimates and the stan dard Banach’s fixed point principle. Third, we construct modified mass and energy (or
energy) functionals, which are shown to be almost conserved. Fourth, we differentiate
those mass and energy (or energy) functionals, and then applying different space time
estimates, Plancherel’s Theorem, real interpolation, Minkowski’s inequalities, Young’s
inequality and one dimensional Sobolev embedding to prove corresponding almost (ap proximate) conservation law. Finally, the iteration of the almost conservation law for the
modified mass and energy (or energy) functionals over time intervals of uniform length
combined with the local well-posedness can extend the solution to global in time. We
further estimate the decay-in-time-rate on the radius of spatial analyticity.
In the fourth chapter, we presented our first result and show that the uniform radius
of spatial analyticity σ(t) of the solution to the one-dimensional second-order NLS
equation is bounded from below by c|t|
3 when the nonlinearity is of any odd natural
number greater than three and by c|t|
5 when the nonlinearity is cubic for large |t| > 0,
given initial data that is analytic with fixed radius σ0. This improves the results obtained
by Ahn et al. and Tesfahun, respectively, where they obtained a decay rate of order |t|
In the fifth chapter, we showed that the fourth order Schrodinger equation with cubic ¨
nonlinearity is locally and globally well-posed in the modified Gevrey space. We have
proved that the uniform radius of spatial analyticity σ(t) of solution at time t cannot
decay faster than t
2 for large t, given initial data that is analytic with fixed radius σ0.
In the sixth chapter, we obtained the decay rate for the radius of spatial analyticity
of solutions to the generalized Korteweg de-Vries equation. We have shown that the
analyticity radius does not decay faster than |t|
6 if the nonlinearity is cubic and |t|
if the nonlinearity is the power of any odd natural number greater than three for large
time t, which improves earlier results due to Bona, Grujic and Kalisch. ´
In the seventh chapter, we studied the Cauchy problem for the defocusing gener alized KdV equation with any odd order of dispersion greater than or equal to five. It
is shown that, given analytic data with a fixed radius σ0, the uniform radius of spatial
analyticity σ(t) of solutions at time t cannot decay faster than |t|
2 for large time t.
In particular, this improves a recent result due to Petronilho and Silva for the modified
Kawahara equation (the dispersion order is five and of cubic nonlinearity), where they
obtained a decay rate of order t
In the eighth chapter, we analyzed the decay rate for the radius of spatial analyticity
for solutions of the nonlinear wave equation, subject to initial data, which is analytic
in modified Gevrey space with a fixed radius σ0. It is shown that the asymptotic lower
bound σ(t) > c|t|
3 as |t| → +∞. This is an improvement of a recent result by da
Silva and Castro, where they obtained a decay rate of order (1 + |t|)
−( p+1
for any odd
natural number p > 3.