Social media analysis is an essential mechanism for organizations to grasp new knowledge and
information from social media data. In social media analysis, sentiment analysis and service
classification are important research areas. These two tasks help organizations to know how their
customers are using their services and identify areas for improvement. Sentiment analysis is the
task of categorizing feedback as positive, negative, or neutral. Service classification is the task of
identifying the service of the organization that a text refers to.
Organizations use social media for many purposes, and social media analysis can help them to get
the public's opinion. In the organization, public relations is the administration sector, having a
responsibility to build strategic relationships between organizations and the public. This task is
highly connected with social media analysis in today's day and age.
Many research studies have been done on sentiment analysis and service classification. Most of
these studies were conducted in the business sector, and many research studies have been done on
English and Amharic languages separately. Rather in this study, both sentiment analysis and
service classification are performed on the higher education using both Amharic and English
In this study, multi-label text classification (MLTC) is utilized to handle sentiment analysis and
service classification tasks. MLTC is for converting to multiple single-label binary classifications.
Also used a deep learning approach, specifically LSTM, to train our model. Our study area is
specifically on the Bahir Dar University Facebook page. The dataset used has Amharic and English
languages because the university uses and the public responds in both languages.
The results of the analysis showed an accuracy of 45% of the accuracy of the merged dataset result
of both language datasets. This shows the study attempts to get a specific view and provide more
information in one study, and more relevant to real-world inquiries or more realistic.
Keywords: Public Relations, Social Media Analytics, Semantic analysis, Service classification,
Multi-label text classification