The development of irrigation systems has long been recognized as an important tool to
encourage economic growth and rural development in Ethiopia, as well as a foundation for food
security and poverty reduction. Irrigation development receives a lot of attention, but little
attention is paid to its sustainability. This study assesses the sustainability of Amiba Garno small
scale irrigation scheme, located in Gondar zuriya woreda. This study aims to identify
sustainability level of the scheme from socio-cultural, environmental, physical, economical and
institutional aspect. To achieve these objectives, structured household survey questionnaires,
semi-structured interviews, group discussions, field observations and literature were used.
Physical and technical performance indicators, maintenance indicators, stability of the system,
environmental protection, productivity of the scheme and institutional management structure
were also selected to indicate scheme operation and management practices. Based on the Yes or
No answers of the sampled households, sustainability rated scales of each category were
calculated. Finally, the average value of all categories was considered the scheme sustainability
index. From the data analysis, shortage of irrigation land is the first problem for the farmers. The
unequal distribution of irrigation water to their plots is also a major issue. Siltation of the head
work and apron damage is also a series issue that needs immediate solution. Generally, the
scheme's sustainability index was 1.53, a value approaching unsustainable condition. This is due
to poor institutional and management structures and low scheme maintenance. To improve the
economic and environmental sustainability of the scheme, institutional support, training of
farmers on improved crop production and water management issues, regular supervision and
monitoring of scheme activities are essential.
Key Word: - Sustainability, Irrigation, Indicator