dc.description.abstract |
The greenhouse effect is attributed to the effects of global warming and the effects are
being felt worldwide. The total CO
emissions related to cement production represent
around 8% of the annual global CO
emissions and due to burning of fossil fuels and the
manufacture of cement Ethiopia has released 0.16381 metric tons of CO2 in 2019, and
being expected that cement manufacturing could reduce about 18% of their direct
emissions by 2050. Due to non-biodegradability nature of glass waste, it has many
negative effects on the environment when it is dumped in the landfills, and due to
containing of very fine particles, marble waste being one of the environmental problems
around the world. Due to industrial wastes are pollutants when discarded into land or
thrown into water bodies, blending them in concrete production is safe disposal method
for them and it is best solutions for sustainable development. So the main objective of
this study was investigating the effect of partial replacement of cement with Waste Glass
powder, Waste Marble powder and Scoria powder in quaternary blended cement mortar,
in order to see the effect of partial replacement of cement with Waste Glass powder,
Waste Marble powder and Scoria powder in quaternary system. The effect of the blended
materials on the physical, fresh, hardened, durability, and microstructural property of
concrete was investigated using consistency, setting time, workability, compressive
strength, Sulfate resistance, Fourier Transform Infra-Red, Thermo gravimetric Analysis,
and Differential Thermal Analysis tests. The water-to-binder (w/b) ratio of 0.5 was used
for all mortar mixes produced. The Ordinary Portland cement was replaced up to 40%
(10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) by varying the amount of Waste Glass powder, Waste
Marble powder and Scoria powder, and were tested at the ages of 3, 7, 28, 56, and 90
days. Mix G (20%) 5WGPWMP10SP) was an optimum in terms of compressive strength,
sulfate resistance and microstructure with standard setting time and workability, and mix
B (10%) 5WGP2.5WMPSP) was an optimum in terms of workability. According to the
experimental result, replacing the Ordinary Portland cement up to 30% is recommended.
Keywords: Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Waste Glass Powder (WGP), Waste
Marble Powder (WMP), Scoria Powder (SP), Fresh Properties, Mechanical Properties,
Durability, Microstructure. |
en_US |