Counterfeit money refers to fake or imitation currency that is produced with the idea to
deceive. The advancement of color printing technology has increased the rate of fake
currency note printing and duplicating the notes on a very large scale. A few years back,
printing could be done in a print house, but now anyone can print a currency note with
maximum accuracy using a simple laser printer. As a result, the issue of fake notes
instead of genuine ones has increased very largely. Ethiopia has been unfortu nately
cursed with the problems like corruption and black money. And counterfeit currency
notes are also a big problem to it. Some researchers are conduct with this problem in
Ethiopia. However, there is no reliable recognition system to identify forged banknotes
rather than using security features by UV and detector pen. In order to solve the problem,
we develop a model that detects fake currency notes in less time and in a more efficient
manner by using a large dataset to record better accuracy and processing time of
detection of counterfeit money. The dataset are collected from different bank and police
office. Resizing, color conversion, augmentation and normalization preprocessing
techniques are applied with python environment. The proposed model (EBDM)
efficiently detects counterfeit Ethiopian paper currency notes by adapting a multi-layered
Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Model experimented by front side, backside and all
sides of the banknote with RGB and grayscale image. Experimental analysis has been
demonstrated with different models of CNN such as InceptionV3, MobileNetV2, and
VGG net. The model is tested using genuine Ethiopian currencies and counterfeit
Ethiopian currencies that achieved 95.84% training accuracy and 89.99% test accuracy.
This work is vital for automation in many sectors such as vending machines, railway
ticket counters, banking systems, shopping malls, currency exchange services, etc.
Keyword: Ethiopian currency, counterfeit detection, image preprocessing, convolutional
neural network