Covid-19 Vaccine uptake and its Associated Factors Among Adult Population in Dangila District, Awi Zone, Northwest Ethiopia, 2023

Show simple item record Girma, Tadesse 2023-05-06T16:04:39Z 2023-05-06T16:04:39Z 2023-01-10
dc.description.abstract Background: Vaccination is the most cost-effective approach that significantly reduce morbidity and mortality related to Coronavirus disease -19. However, the data on corona disease -19 in vaccine uptake and its associated factors in Ethiopia including the study area scarce. Objectives: To assess Coronavirus disease-19 vaccine uptake and its associated factors among adult population in Dangila District, Awi Zone, Northwest Ethiopia, 2023. Methods: A community-based mixed-type study design was conducted from Oct,15-Nov15,2022. A total of 605 study participants were recruited from selected ten kebele in Dangila District. Purposive sampling for qualitative study and multistage stratified random sampling method for quantitative study was applied to select the study population. Both data collocation and entry were done by the kobo toolbox simultaneously. The collected data were, exported to SPSS version 25 for data cleaning and analysis. Training was given for data collector and supervisors. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regressions were employed to identify factors associated with vaccine uptakes. In the qualitative section of the study, key informant interviews were applied. After the interview was listened, the transcripts were reduced, coded and categorized into themes, the data were analyzed using Atlas ti .7 software and finally triangulated with the quantitative results. Result: The vaccine uptake among the adult population was 47 % [95% CL: (42.7 %, 51.0%). Test COVID-19 (AOR= 1.70 , 95% CI:) (1.02 , 2.84)), respondents who had good knowledge about COVID-19 vaccine (AOR= 3.12 , 95% CI: (2.11 , 4.59), respondents who had no formal education were (AOR=1.78 , 95% (1.26, 2.58) , respondents who had good attitude (AOR= 3.21,95% CI: (2.13 , 4.89) ,individuals who had poor Income (AOR=1.83, 95% CI:(1.08, 3.06) ,being female (AOR= 1.75 , 95% CI: (1.2 , 2.58) and living a rural area (AOR= 3.1 , 95% CI: (1.87 , 5.12)were significantly associated with vaccine uptake rate. The study also identifies that misperceptions about the vaccine efficacy and safety, Availability of vaccine, lack of knowledge about the vaccine, mistrust of the corona virus vaccine, fear of adverse effect, social media influence and religious beliefs were barriers Coronavirus disease -19 vaccine uptake. Conclusion: In this study Coronavirus disease -19 vaccine uptake among adult population in the Dangila district was low. Therefore, the identified modifiable factors need to be the area of intervention to increase the uptake rate of vaccine. Keyword: COVID-19, vaccine, Adult population, Vaccine uptake, Ethiopia en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Health System and Health Economics en_US
dc.title Covid-19 Vaccine uptake and its Associated Factors Among Adult Population in Dangila District, Awi Zone, Northwest Ethiopia, 2023 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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