A spintronics device is multifunctional device, which allows the interplay between charge carriers
and spin in a single system. These materials are very important in modern technology for non volatility, fast data processing, low power consumption and high integration density. To achieve the
advantages of a spintronics device, semiconductor materials are doped with magnetic impurity of
transition metals to give diluted magnetic semiconductors which have both ferromagnetic and
semiconductor properties. The main objective of this project is to study the ferromagnetism in Mn doped ZnTe diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs). ZnTe when doped with a very low percent
of Mn ion can exhibit room temperature ferromagnetism. Due to their ferromagnetic properties they
can be used in spintronic applications. ZnMnTe systems with wurtzite structure and room
temperature ferromagnetism are investigated using Heisenberg model Hamiltonian. The
Hamiltonian includes exchange interactions with the nearest neighbors. Different calculations are
performed using Holstein-Primakoff transformation and Green function formalism. The researches
of the study reveal that the total average number of magnons and reduced magnetization are
determined. In addition to this concentration dependent transition temperature and specific heat
capacity of magnon are also predicted. The average number of magnon depends on temperature
with T
3/2 relation, specific heat capacity of magnon also depends on temperature
with T
3/2relation, reduced magnetization decreases with increasing temperature and the
transition temperature linearly depends on manganese concentration ion.
Key words: Semiconductor, Magnetism, DMS, Ferromagnetism, Spintronics,