dc.description.abstract |
Potentially expansive soils can be found almost anywhere in the world. The Presence of swelling
soils under the foundations of civil engineering structures particularly, lightly loaded structures
has caused serious damages around the globe due to their differential movement. A significant
percentage of Dangila town's surface is covered with expansive soils, which have a tendency to
fluctuate in volume in response to changes in water content. This research study were contains an
experimental investigation of swelling behavior of expansive soils which is used to predict
swelling pressure from simple index property tests. AASHTO (American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials) and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) were
also used to classify the soils in order to determine how expansive they were in Dangila town.
The study was conducted to investigate the nature and mechanism of expansive soils' swellshrink behavior. By touring every section of the town and its surroundings, a reconnaissance
survey of the area was conducted. The location of test pits were selected that represents the soil
types found around the town. For this study twenty five (25) samples were collected from
different test pits for different laboratory tests and each samples were determined according to
American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM). Number Cruncher Statistical System (NCSS)
software was used to conduct the analysis. The new formulas are created by combining one or
more of the soil property factors (moisture content, dry density, shrinkage limit, liquid limit,
plastic limit, and plasticity index) in various ways. To develop the equations, 22 test results are
used as an input data for NCSS21 software. The equations are then tested for three control
samples. The best equation is proposed, and conclusions and recommendations are made.
Accordingly the results of the statistical analysis show that good correlation does exist between
index properties and swelling pressure of expansive soils. Lastly, future works are suggested.
Key words: - Expansive Soils, Swell Pressure, Index Properties, Regression, Correlation, SwellShrink behavior. |
en_US |