dc.description.abstract |
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) has long been recognized as an important
parameter for determining the bearing capacity of earth structures. The aim of this
research is to develop the correlation between (Soaked California Bearing Ratio
(SCBR) and unsoacked California Bearing Ratio (UCBR), Soaked California Bearing
Ratio (SCBR) and Dynamic Cone Penetration Index (DCPI) and Unsoacked California
Bearing Ratio (UCBR) and DCPI for Debre Tabor fine grained soil.The dynamic cone
Penetrometer (DCP) is the most portable quick, in-situ evaluation device currently
offered. Its correlations to CBR and use in pavement layer performance evaluation
make it an interesting alternative to more expensive and time-consuming procedures.
Many useful correlations were proposed by various researchers for soils in their area,
and the DCP penetration index was used to develop these correlations. For this study
several field and laboratory tests were conducted on the soil sample gathered from
different location of Debre tabor town, Such as specific gravity ,moisture content ,field
density,atterbergs limit test(LL,PL,PI),grain size analysis, Dynamic cone penetration
index , maximum dry density and optimum moisture content ,both soaked at Optimum
Moisture Content (OMC) and un soaked CBR at field dry density value . Based on the
laboratory and field test results, analyses were performed using Statistical Package for
the Social Science (SPSS) software and Microsoft excel tool Pak, and the applicability
of the existing correlations for subgrade soil on the previously stated data was validated.
As a result, a correlation was proposed in the study to predict the CBR values of the
subgrade soil from dynamic cone penetration test results. The results of the statistical
analysis shows that good correlation does exist between the dynamic cone penetration
indexes (DCPI) and unsoacked CBR values with R
of 0.93 for fine grained soils of
Debre tabor town.
Keywords: CBR, DCPI, Subgrade Soils, Soaked California bearing ratio and SPSS. |
en_US |