The Role of Women in Pastoralist Community in the Case of Awura Woreda, Afar Regional State

Show simple item record Sisay, Demeke 2022-12-14T08:58:43Z 2022-12-14T08:58:43Z 2018-06
dc.description.abstract Pastoralist women invariably engaged in triple gender roles but their growing recognition as a valuable and sustainable livelihood manager remained marginalized. Hence, the issues of pastoralist women become a matter of debate over the globe since they are so vital to provide economic values for other non pastoral groups. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the role of women in pastoralist community in the case of Awura Woreda, Afar Regional State. To this effect, mixed method research of concurrent research strategy utilized for data collection and analysis. The survey questionnaires collected from 196 sampled women selected systematically from 4 kebeles of the study area. FGD and key informant participants selected via purposive and available sampling techniques. Descriptive and inferential statistics applied to analyze the quantitative data. Here, to identify determinants of women’s role in the study area, MLRM has employed. Thus, the proposed study came up with 29-39 women’s age group, married marital status, family size of 3-5 and 6-8 were positive determinants whereas climate variability, drought, inter-conflict, violence, gender relation and social service inaccessibility were negative determinants. These negative determinants were also major challenges. Besides, water inaccessibility, food insecurity, poverty, sexual harassment, killing, absences of government intervention, weak traditional conflict resolution method, absence of decision making power, lack of property rights, seasonal migration with herds, customs or traditions and customary laws were other challenges women faced that hinder their role. Access of property, presence of traditional hillers, availability of government food aid program and NGOs were opportunities women enjoyed that helped to do their roles in the study site. All in all, it could be concluded that pastoralist women of the study setting had immense roles but determined by numerous factors and had faced to dozen of challenges with limited opportunities. This situation would make their life to be gloomy and had serious ramifications on their triple gender roles. Adopt place-based educational planning norms; training and extension support; prepare awareness creation program; improve women’s income-generating potential and acknowledge their roles were recommendations forwarded. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Gender and Development Studies en_US
dc.title The Role of Women in Pastoralist Community in the Case of Awura Woreda, Afar Regional State en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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