The construction industry has complexity in its nature because it involves large number of parties
as clients, contractors, consultants and others. Many variables, such as time, cost, quality,
specifications, and stakeholder satisfaction, are used to measure project performance. In order to
deliver school building, the Amhara National Regional State(ANRS) Education Bureau employs
private building contractors as well as public micro enterprise contractors. The major objective
of this research is to assess and compare the performance of micro enterprise and private building
contractors, with an emphasis on project performance, delivery speed, and cost. The research is
conducted using a mixed method, which includes both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and field observations are used to obtain primary data. The
internet, websites, books, journal articles, literature, payment certificates, provisional acceptance,
and contract agreements were used to obtain secondary data. The information acquired is
analyzed using the descriptive approach. According to the findings there are clear differences
between micro enterprise and private building contractors with respect to their project
performance. The time required to accomplish projects built by micro enterprise contractors were
at least 6.4 percent lower than that of projects built by private building contractors. Similarly, the
cost incurred by projects built by micro enterprise contractors was at least 6.36 percent lower
than that of projects built by private building contractors this shows micro enterprise contractors
take less time and cost than private building contractors. Based on the data collected from the
questionnaire the major challenges that most frequently occur in Amhara National Regional
State(ANRS) Education Bureau building construction projects is cost as compared with time.
Escalation of material prices and equipment cost has a great impact on the project performance.
Project time performance has also been limited by the lack of resources, financial constraints, too
many change orders from owners, and delays in payments from the owner to contractors.
Keywords: Project Performance, Private building contractor, Micro enterprise contractor, Cost
performance, Time performance