Background: Anemia is a public health problem affecting both developed and developing nations
worldwide with significant consequence of health and economic growth. The problem is more
severe in pregnant women. Hence, the main purpose of this study was to determine the factors of
anemia level among pregnant women among zones in Ethiopia.
Methods: This study utilized data from the 2005, 2011 and 2016 EDHSs, community based cross
sectional design and stratified two stage cluster was conducted. The study includes 8421 pregnant
women. The study was evaluated by spatial and Ordinal logistic regression model.ARC GIS
version 10.8 and SAS version 9.8 statistical software were used for spatial and logistic model
Result: From the total pregnant women included in this study, (19.9%) moderately anemic
pregnant women would be found in this study. The middle wealth index 15.9% and richest wealth
index 51% less likely anemic compared to poorest wealth index, age group of mother 30-39 were
42.9% times less likely to be moderate and above anemic compared to < 20 years, number of
household member 4-6 were 51% more likely moderate and above anemic compared to that of 1-
3. From the EDHS 2011 data liben, South omo, Dawuro, Afarzone3 and Afar zone2 administrative
zones were high-risk area and in 2016 EDHS nourth shewa R4 was high risk area of anemia.
Conclusion: from the model mentioned in method, partial proportional odds model was preferable
due to low value of AIC. Wealth index, age group, religion, region, number of household members,
source of drinking water Survey year were significant factors in anemia levels among pregnant
women. The prevalence of anemia among pregnant women was varying in Ethiopian
administrative zones. Zones including: North West Tigray, Waghimra, Oromia Special woreda,
West shewa, East Shewa, North ShewaR4, East Harargie, Selti, Alaba, Sidama, Segen people and
South omo, Afar Zone5 and Zone3 and Somali Siti were high prevalence of anemia , therefore the
government give spatial attention for the above zones .
Key words: Anemia levels, ordinal logistic regression, partial proportional odds model, Ethiopia,
spatial, zones.