The purpose of this study was to identify practice and challenges in talent identification processes: the case of south Gondar zone athletics projects. The design was a Descriptive Survey. The target populations in this study were 83 athletes, 3 coaches, and 8 administrative officers. Semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and observation were used to gather the data. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive percentages, Correlations,T-Test and multiple linear regression methods. The methods and procedures used in this study were both qualitative and quantitative. census sampling was used to select athletes and purposive sampling is applied to select Coaches and administrative officers. Most respondents disagrees of implementation of talent identification processes in the study area was not balancing the talent identification process objectives. The research findings are below average, by using the One-Sample T-Test show that the mean score of the three independent factors (sociological, physiological, and psychological factor) were 2.36, 2.34, and 2.01 respectively. These were not dominant variables used in the administration zone in TI processes. It was associated with a high degree of correlation and statistically significant relationship with TIP from those factors. R can be considered to be one measure of the quality of the prediction of the dependent variable; in this case, talent so a value of 0.871 indicates a good level of prediction. (Adj. R2) to accurately report this data. We conclude that the given independent variables could be explained for about 74.0% of the response variable talent. The three independent variables were important factors to identify talented athletes. Unstandardized coefficients (sociological, physiological, Psychological) were implies that factor improves by one-unit the talent identification increases by .205 (20.5%), .193 (19.3%) and .315 (31.5%) units respectively. The psychological factor is the most influential predictor.