An Assessment of The Challenges for Rural Water Supply: Thecase Study of Mecha Woreda, In Ethiopia

Show simple item record Yitayew, Temach 2022-05-19T06:56:41Z 2022-05-19T06:56:41Z 2004-05
dc.description.abstract My heartfelt thanks are owed to my advisor Ato Arega Bazezew (Assi.Prof). I sincerely thank him for his advice and guidance in all areas of this thesis, from reviewing the proposal, editing the survey questionnaires and editing and commenting the thesis. My heartfelt thanks go to Dr Yitayal Anley for his advice and guidance by commenting and editing draft document of this thesis. Special thanks also go to Ato Yirga Kebede, Ato Aragaw Shibabaw who helped me in editing this thesis. My heartfelt thanks also goes to my wife Yalemwork Yitayew for her advice and encouragement in finishing the thesis. And finally I would like to thank all families who are always on the side of me. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Geography & Environmental Studies en_US
dc.title An Assessment of The Challenges for Rural Water Supply: Thecase Study of Mecha Woreda, In Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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