Introduction: Post term births is major determinants of neonatal mortality, including short- and
long-term morbidity. In developing countries, where post-term birth is disproportionately
common, the magnitude and underlying causes are not well understood, and evidence is required
to design appropriate interventions. In Ethiopia the level of post term birth proportion was not
studied, except few. Determining the proportions and associated factors for post-term births in
Bahir Dar city is rational for appropriate intervention.
Objective: The aim was to determine proportion of post term deliveries and associated factors
among mothers who gave birth in Bahir Dar city administration governmental hospitals, Northwest
Ethiopia, 2020.
Method: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted among 423 systematically
selected mothers who gave birth in Bahir Dar city administration governmental hospitals, From
February to March 2020. Data entry and analysis was made using by epi-data version 3.1 and SPSS
version 21 respectively. In binary logistic regression of dependent and each independent variables
with P value ≤0.2 were included in multi-variable logistic regression and P-value ≤0.05 in multi variable logistic regression were considered as significantly associated with post term birth.
Result: The proportion of post term was found to be 14.4% with [95% CI=11.1%-17.5%]. Rural
residence [AOR=4.06 (95% CI=1.563,10.528)], Far from nearby health facility [AOR=5.250
(95%CI=2.489,11.071)], null parity[AOR=2.368 (95%CI=1.113,5.038)], not having ANC
[AOR=7.218 (95% CI=1.108,47.024)], number of ANC [AOR=4.383 (95%CI=1.609,11.936)],
family history of post term birth [AOR=2.417 (95%CI=1.075,5.436)] and no knowledge about
BPCRP [AOR=2.604 (95%CI=1.215,5.584)],were significantly associated with post term birth.
Conclusion: The proportion of the post term delivery was high. Factors associated for this result
were rural residence, far from nearby health facility, null parity, not having antenatal care, number
of ANC visit, family history of post term birth and lack of awareness about Birth preparedness and
complication readiness plan. To decrease this proportions of post term birth; further efforts
expected from maternal health care providers to increase awareness of mothers about importance
of BPCRP, to have ANC follow-up and sustain their follow-up till their birth will reduce the
problem so far.