Maternal Satisfaction on Maternity Waiting Home Services and Associated Factors In Health Centers of Dega Damot District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2020

Show simple item record Mulat, Yitayih 2022-04-08T08:43:13Z 2022-04-08T08:43:13Z 2020-07
dc.description.abstract Background: - Maternity waiting home is a temporary residence where pregnant women stayed. It contributes to the reduction of maternal death significantly. Besides on this, inadequate service might lead to dissatisfaction. Moreover, there were little studies on the level of satisfaction in relation to the maternity waiting home service packages. Objective: - To assess maternal satisfaction on maternity waiting home services and associated factors in health centers of Dega Damot district, North West Ethiopia Method: A facility-based cross-sectional quantitative study supported by qualitative method was conducted from April 1-20/2020. Quantitative data was collected from 363 women using interviewer administered questionnaire while 12 mothers were participated in qualitative part using in-depth interviews. Simple random sampling technique (Computer generation method) was employed to select study subjects. The collected data was entered into Epi-Data 3.1 and exported to SPSS version 23 for further data cleaning and analysis. Descriptive statistics were computed for selected variables. Binary logistic regression model with bivariate and multivariable analysis were applied to identify significantly associated factors. Odds ratio at 95% CI was computed and interpreted and statistical significance were considered at P-values <0.05. For qualitative part, themes and subthemes were derived from coded items and analyzed thematically. Concepts were extracted from themes and were presented in narratives to support quantitative results. Result: The Overall maternal satisfaction with maternity waiting home services among users was found to be 225(62%) [95% CI: 57.3%-66.9%]. This study showed that age< 24 years [AOR = 6.18, 95% CI [1.96-19.50], return to their home using ambulance [AOR = 2.65, 95% CI [1.27-5.53], husband support [AOR = 3.34, 95% CI [1.75-6.38], family support [AOR = 3.54, 95% CI [1.73-7.27], servant support [AOR = 2.08, 95% CI [1.17-3.71] and interpersonal relationship and communication with health care workers [AOR = 2.57, 95% CI [1.34-4.94] were significantly positively associated with overall maternity waiting home service satisfaction. Conclusion and recommendation: The level of maternity waiting home services satisfaction among users is still low compared to the health sector transformation plan in which at least 90% of the population could be satisfied with specific health services. Age, return to their home using ambulance, social supports and interpersonal relationship and communication with health workers predicted the overall service satisfaction. The Amhara regional health Bureau and Woreda health sector could design intervention strategies addressing the identified factors and lovely maternity waiting home services. Key words: Maternal satisfaction, Maternity waiting home services, Maternity waiting home guideline, Factors, Dega Damot, Ethiopia en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Health Service Management and Health Economics en_US
dc.title Maternal Satisfaction on Maternity Waiting Home Services and Associated Factors In Health Centers of Dega Damot District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2020 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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