The problem of secondary school students‘ lacking understanding of mathematics remains a
major concern to teachers and government authorities in Ethiopia. The problem has been largely
attributed to using ineffective teaching methods. Research suggests the potential of mathematical
discourse as a method of teaching mathematics for enhancing students‘ understanding of
mathematical concepts and procedures. However, it remains a challenging practice for many
school mathematics teachers to create classroom instruction that promotes meaningful
mathematical discourse. One reason mentioned in the literature is a lack of a viable model for
discourse-based mathematics instruction that assists teachers in how they create and enact
discourse-based mathematics lessons in their classes. The other reason is limited research that
explored the impact that any attempt to design and implement discourse-based mathematics
instruction has on students‘ learning outcomes; in particular, in an Ethiopian secondary and
upper school context.
This study attempted to address the problem by developing a model for discourse-based
mathematics instruction and evaluating its effectiveness in enhancing eleventh-grade students‘
conceptual and procedural understanding of probability and statistics as compared to a traditional
teaching approach. To answer its research questions, the study employed the concurrent mixed
research design that combines quasi-experimental and descriptive case study designs. The quasi experimental design with the posttest-control group that involved two control groups and one
experimental group investigated the effects of discourse-based instruction on eleventh-grade
students‘ conceptual and procedural understanding of probability and statistics in a randomly
selected public secondary and preparatory school. At the start of the experiment, baseline data
were collected from the three groups. A one-way analysis of variance of the baseline data
revealed that the three groups were comparable. After the intervention, using a researcher developed test instrument, posttest data were collected from the three groups. The Kruskal Wallis test analysis performed on the posttest data showed significant differences in conceptual
understanding and procedural understanding across the three groups. Pairwise comparisons of
the groups using Dunn‘s test as Post-hoc analysis revealed that students who underwent
discourse-based instruction demonstrated a better understanding of probability and statistics as
compared to those students who received traditional instruction. The calculation of effect size
demonstrated that discourse-based interventions have practical significance for improving
students‘ understanding of various topics of probability and statistics.
The descriptive case study design was used to investigate student experiences of discourse-based
instruction. Qualitative analysis of lesson observations and a sample of student-written responses
and the quantitative analysis of survey data provided insights into how discourse-oriented
instruction impacted students‘ learning of probability and statistics. The findings revealed that a
discourse-based instructional approach can be employed in classroom teaching and professional
development programs. The findings may motivate educators to examine students‘ textbooks for
mathematical discourse considerations. A possible recommendation for future research would be
conducting longitudinal studies to examine how discourse-based mathematics instruction affects
the relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge in a specific domain of mathematics.
Keywords: mathematical discourse, conceptual understanding, instructional approach, quasi