Background: A cancer diagnosis is a very stressful event and has tremendous consequences for most persons who experience it, affecting all aspects of life. Quality of life has become an important patient-reported measurement ...
Background: Anemia is a major public health problem that affects an estimated 1.62 billion
people worldwide which equivalent to 24.8% the population. Few cross-sectional studies have
been conducted on anemia and human ...
Background: Traumatic brain injury is responsible for greater than 4.7 million deaths globally and 21.2 % of deaths in Ethiopia. Despite it remains a public health problem mainly affecting young adults and males ...
Background: Stroke is ―rapidly developing clinical signs of focal or global disturbance of cerebral
functions, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death, with no apparent cause other than that of
vascular origin.‖ ...
Background: Birth asphyxia is a failure to initiate and sustain breathing at birth. Birth asphyxia
can lead to severe hypoxic organ damage to heart, lungs, liver, gut, kidneys, but brain damage is
the concern, because ...
Background: Chr oni c kidney disease is defi ned as ki dney da mage or gl omer ul ar filtrati on rat e
<60 mL/ mi n/ 1. 73 m2 f or 3 mont hs or more, irrespecti ve of t he cause. Accordi ng t he 2010 Gl obal
Bur den ...
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus is the public health issue that affects the health of an individual through reducing body’s immune system. Despite, antiretroviral therapy could reduce the transmission of human ...