Bamboo is a fast growing woody grass and natural resource, used for construction extensively for many
centuries, particularly in Asia. In Ethiopia, bamboo is also used for the construction of traditional house,
furniture and fences. At present, there are two bamboo species in Ethiopia , namely; the highland bamboo
(Yushania alpine) that has estimated coverage of 20% and the lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera
Abyssinica) comprising 80% of the total Bamboo resource. Much amount of Low land Bamboo found in
North West area Metekel Zone in Benishangule Gumuz Region. However, a wide application of bamboo
for use in scaffolding and false formworks is not common. One of the failure modes of bamboo
scaffolding structures is due to failure at connection under to axial loads. This experimental study
investigates the bolt connection strength of solid culm bamboo to enhance the utilization of bamboo
through determining its mechanical properties like tensile strength, compressive strength bending
strength, deflection, and failure properties. In addition, there are limited studies on proper solid culm
bamboo connections for temporary structures. Overall the purposes of this study is to examine existing
bolt connection joints of solid culm bamboo subjected to axial loads for both single and double shear
tests. The test result of physical property indicates that the height of the culms increase the diameter of
culms decreased from bottom to top. The density and the moisture content are affected by the cross-section area of the culms. From mechanical properties the experimental results obtained tensile strength
increases from bottom to top part. The top part recorded the highest tensile strength per layer; with its
outer layers having tensile strength is 336.0MPa and the lowest recorded inner layers which are
128.27Mpa. The compressive strength of the lowland bamboo depends on the cross-section area
.Therefore top parts of lowland bamboo had the highest compressive stress than middle and bot tom
which is50.87Mpa.The highest and the lowest recorded results of bending strength 157.65MPa and
80.43Mpa respectively. And the average value of bending modulus of elasticity is determined to be
15,310.19MPa.The top portion of lowland bamboo in single and double shear strength connection test
subjected to axial load, the shear strength value highest which is 24.16Mpa and 22.38Mpa respectively. It
is found that for cross-connections at the internode and node of specimen using bolt connection methods,
the connection resistances are found to range from 2.54 KN to 15.12KN. Experimental data analysis and
interpretations used as main methodology to address the research objective. Thus, this study use d locally
available and sustainable material as alternative construction material to reduce the environmental impact
associated with the use of timber (eucalyptus) and provide a means to use this vast resource.
Keywords:-mechanical property, Lowland Bamboo, connection strength and bolt connection